Friday, September 17, 2021
Joanna Newsom on Brooklyn 99 Finale.
The finale of Brooklyn 99 was last night and I was happy to have it end on a "Heist" episode. Those really were the best episodes of 99 and binging all the Halloween Heist episodes has become a tradition in our family. My two kids 11-13 love heist season, the week of Halloween, when we all sit down and watch a few each night. I like Santiagos win in, I think it was Heist 3, the Heistening.
My daughters love the Netflix Babysitter's Club and so we love to quote Diaz and Santiago, "You're such a Mary Anne." "It's true! I am!"
Anyway, this final heist, and final episode of 99 had a little cameo from the amazing Joanna Newsom! And I was surprised to see it, even though this show stars Joanna's husband whats-his-name. So I thought I'd document her cameo. Joanna Newsom ties into this old blog cause I still listen and still love it and still encourage all of you to listen to her.
I had a horrible job on Langley AFB when i was a Govt contractor and I used to take my lunch breaks in my car and listen to her Bear song and try to figure out the story without reading the lyrics, even though they were published with the Compact Disk (I felt I had to spell out CD, to future proof this post. Who's gonna know what a CD is except us olds?)
There is a scene in the Dylan documentary Scorsese did where Dylan is reading some advertising copy off of a sign and mixing up the words and rearranging them. I was thinking of that this morning when I listened to Joanna's Inflammatory Writ where words seem to exist cause they sound good first, before worrying about make sense (though they mostly make sense). Just read it out loud and listen to the L (el) sounds
"While across the great plains
Keening lovely & awful
Ululate the lost Great American Novels —
An unlawful lot, left to stutter and freeze, floodlit"
Friday, January 31, 2020
Taylor Swift: Build Her a Bridge
Taylor Swift has trouble with her bridges. Great artists often stumble here and there. “Never be afraid to make a mistake” I often tell my own daughter. “If you’re gonna fail, fail BIG!!!” is the saying Taylor Swift will tell her daughter.
Taylor Swift is really good with the hooks but bad with the bridges. It’s like how Picasso was really good at making art but he used too much blue sometimes. It’s like if Cezanne was good at painting but bad with yellow. Being a great songwriter who is bad is bridges is like if you were Shakespeare but bad at adverbs. Being bad at adjectives would doom a you, but being clunky with the adverbs isn’t a deal breaker. If you’re bad at adverbs you can still bang out a hit play.
Taylor Swift being bad at bridges doesn’t stop her from writing a catchy song. It’s not a deal breaker. And it’s not like it’s every bridge, but “Don’t say I didn’t, say I didn’t warn ya” is a bad bridge. And yeesh that Shake It Off bridge. Never be afraid to take a big swing. If you’re gonna fail, fail big. Never be afraid to make a mistake.
James Brown was great at bridges. So great, he’d call it out, “Take it to the bridge! HUH!”
What is a bridge? Let's say you’ve been playing I-IV-V-IV during the verses. After a few verses things are getting a bit stale. It might be a good time for a bridge! Finishing up your third iteration of the chorus, scream out “Take me to the bridge!!” and throw in a “HUH! If the mood strikes you. Now, instead of playing I-IV-V-IV, play V-IV a couple times before going back to the classic chord progression you established earlier.
If you don’t want to sing a bridge, you don’t have to. For instance, don’t shout “Take me to the bridge!” and then your band won’t take you there. Your band works for you. They have to do what you say.
I dunno, I guess it’s just that one song that has such a bad bridge. Most of her songs pull off the bridge just fine. Even Picasso used too much blue sometimes.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
BHM: 57
New Nellie Mckay (not Nelly mckai) track at (BEGIN 2019 edit: Link Removed to href=" because Google tells me DMCA took issue?? How does that work? I'm linking to a file hosted somewhere else? Google is worth exactly what you pay for it. //end 2019 edit)
And I don't know what my LHR (Laughing Heart Rate) is, but if I had one of these slick heart monitors I woulda found it out reading This.
Still crazy after all these years.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Stay Away from McCafe!!
Joan only won because she’s more of a “name” than Annie. Joan QUIT the show! Trump told all of us during Tboz’s firing what he thinks of that, but he “hires” Joan after all the horrid bile she spews. Annie is smart, determined, forward, and foxy. The “perfect woman” perhaps not, but she should of won.
Say the protest chant with me! “Stay away from McCafe! Stay Away From McCafe!”
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Stellastarr* is back on Tour!
Baby Ktan Baby Sling Review
(Baby Board Key: DD = dear daughter, DH=dear husband, DC=dear child)
Hey gang, My dd is one month old yesterday. I'm her daddy.
After lurking here, dog-earing Baby Bargains and googling, googling, googling (i'm the research junky in my marriage), I decided to buy the Baby K'tan sling. I joke that I have womb envy (I was so excited to sling-it, i bought the k'tan 6 months ago!). But, anyway, after lurking here so much I figured it was time to start posting some reviews of my own to help out the next batch of googlers and researchers.
So, I only have the Ktan sling but I've used a Bjorn and a NoJo dr. sears one with my nephews and nieces. The thing that sold me on the Baby K'tan was the "8 positions" thing. So I could pouch her while she's young, and then front carry her bjorn style once she can support her own head in a few months. She hopefully won't "outgrow" this one like other slings I saw.
Here is a pic of the sling in action:
I know that a lot of people here mention that the DH's love the Ergo/Bjorn style and thier manlier looks (compared to a sling) but I think that the dual shoulders baby k'tan look wicked cool. It looks STRONG, not exposed like those Bjorn/Ergo style. Anyway, for me the Ergo/Bjorn style carriers wouldn't satisfy my womb envy so of the slings I saw, this was the one for me.
So, I love this sling yes, but every sling is a walking compromise (like sailboats, except they float and don't walk). This sling takes some lessons to explain to somebody (like my wife, Grandparents, Aunties etc). Now, the bjorn is not the most intuitive thing either, so it's no big deal to me. I just want you to know that you'll have put it on a few practice tries before you sling your kid or hand this off to the unsuspecting.
You see, it has two slings of cotton attached with a little cotton loop. Washable and dryable just like anything else cotton. You put both hoops over your neck like a necklace with the little loop at the back of your neck. Then you put one arm though the inner sling hoop, and the other arm through the outer sling hoop. Now, this is the practicing drop the outer loop over the opposite shoulder. So if you are holding your crying kid, you move her to the other arm as you are slipping the sling hoops over each arm, and then you pass DC again to drop the outer loop, and then you sling her in to the inner sling hoop. Then bring the outer hoop back onto your shoulder and you'll have a nice two shoulders pouch sling.
At first it took me two or three times to position her correctly, but by one month i'm an expert. I drop the outer hoop off my shoulder, form a pouch with the inner hoop and put her butt inside like she is going to sit down like a grown up. Then her head goes up high in the pouch (up on my shoulder). Then she'll slide right into place with gravity. I bring the outer hoop back up on my shoulder, adjust for comfort and then stick my pinky in her mouth till she falls asleep.
I bought on amazon, and i bought the small. I'm 5' 10" 145lbs. My wife is 5' 6" (weight withheld because I know what's good for me...But she is Beautiful and Sexy for the record) so we can swap easily between us.
Here's the update to this review I posted after 4 months:
I got a Baby Ktan and carry by 4 mo DD daily since her first week. I'm a daddy but mommy uses it too. The 8 position things is great. We love it because we can go to the minor league baseball game and sling her upright, facing forward (what ktan calls the "Adventure" position). Then when she gets sleepy and cranky, we pop her out and sling her "cradle" style. A clean pinky in her mouth and she conks out. We carry ours everywhere.
Lean toward the smaller size because it's cotton and stretches out with use. Once it stretches too loose, just wash it and it comes out tight as ever (it's more comfortable when it's tighter that when it's loose)
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Uppababy Narrower Wheels
The nursery? 100 dollar IKEA crib, IKEA matress, old futon, and dresser that I already owned. I don't think I've got $300 in the nursery. But the stroller? I got twice that in the stroller. This baby ain't due for another 9 weeks but I've had my Baby Ktan sling ready to go for three, so this baby is spending every moment of her first year out n about!
Anywho, I loved this Uppababy because it's an American owned company, foam filled rubber wheels (no flat tires), and it's cheaper than the other reversibles. It comes with a bassinet too which is cool. But it was WAY TOO WIDE!!!!! Sweet crud, the thing is full sized as it is, and I've only got 900 square feet and a Honda Fit so trying to fit a bit ole thing in a tiny space means every inch counts (like my honeymoon.........Now THAT's WIT!!).
So, I heard some blog rumors that they were narrowing the Uppababy with newly designed rear wheels. But, talented at tinkling the keys of google I may be, I could not find any photo to show me the difference. The Uppababy website didn't have any pictures (or ANY reference at all) of the narrow profile and neither did any other sites.
So, now that I took a chance and ordered the small wheels I thought I'd give something back and post said pictures myself. So if you are google'n "Uppababy narrower" or "uppababy slimmer wheels stroller" you can see for yourself.

Carpoolers from the Kids in the Hall guy
They got these short videos on the carpoolers site that are great. The show is by Bruce McCulloch of Kids in the Hall. Dave Foley and Scott Thompson had little bit parts in the clips I saw. It's really more of a sketch comedy show than a sitcom. A loose (and I mean LOOSE) plot exist, but only to set up funny scenes. It's a great show.
So basically, I've discovered my new favorite show just in time to have them cancel it. At least, that's been my history with ABC television so hopefully I'm wrong this time. I just sent back my Nielson TV Survey though and they gave me two bucks for it. Wild.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Miss America World Police
Oh, and Check out Miss Utah's flickr page.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Whiskerino has begun again
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Whole Pipettes Album

Well, i've been working on a special art project and it involves the pipettes. I've been listening to thier album in this order:
The new Art Brut album "it's a bit complicated"
Peter Bjorn and John "Young Folks" (without the last few songs)
Teagan and Sara "The Con"
The Pipettes "The 14 songs I ripped from their website stream and I love every one of them"
The New Yeah Yeah Yeah's EP "Is Is" With my newest favorite song in the world "ISIS" It's awesome.
That one solid block of new music that I can just loop. I haven't that many new albums in a row in a while. Good time to be alive and hearing capable.
Anywho, I can point you to the pipettes website because the stream works great (totally un-obtrusive) for listening at work:
If you're snooty about streams, at least listen to their song "Sex" before you go cussing me out for not linking to an mp3.
Then when you're done, go find the Yeah Yeah Yeahs song Isis.
Oh wait, Google just showed me the way:
Monday, June 25, 2007
Interpol Article in New York Magazine
Further RNRNRW news: reports of frowns in the little yellow house with discoveries of the Wolf Parade show in DC being sold out. Maybe the North Carolina show?
Here's that article about Interpol.
Friday, May 11, 2007
California Wild Fires
And you haven't seen me in a while because I've been obsessed with playing "Pacific Fighters" on my computer. It's a flight simulation game set in the Pacific during WWII. It's addictive and it's causing problems when I play for 4 hours straight without standing. I'd say it's rotting my brain but because it takes flying so seriously and really makes you learn how to fly, I think it's sharpening my senses.
Also sharpening my senses is my beautiful pink rose bushes that smell A-mazing. The epic battle of growing grass in my front yard trudges on. I've finally taken the advantage thanks to this weeks gloomy, gloomy, wet weather.
So, listening to a lot of the new Modest Mouse album and awaiting the new Interpol. I love that Monsters are Waiting song, Last Goodbye and still love Stellastarr.
Missing the Von Bondies. Ahh, Don...Ahh, Marcie...

Monday, March 26, 2007
Carter Family on PBS RIGHT NOW
9:06pm: If you're in my area (Hampton Roads), the local PBS station whro is showing a documentary on the RnRnRW favorite the Carter Family.
Turn and watch ASAP!!!!!!!!!
I heart the Carter Family with a fiery passion.
Relive when I had a grand time at the Carter Family museum in Bristol.
9:13pm: Holy sweet mama, they've got video of Maybelle playing the guitar and Gillian Welch just gave a demonstration of Maybelle's revolutionary "Carter Scratch" guitar style.
9:17: Here's what I found googlin' "carter scratch" (Updated with a video link below to Gillian's video below
9:19: I just figured out that I was so updating this thing 4 times in the last 10 minutes that I might as well just live blog it good and proper. I've added the times to each post now.
9:21pm: Undertaker, Undertaker, please drive slow.... I can't believe you're missing this!!!
9:27pm: So AP Carter and a one legged man traveled door to door asking people if they knew any old songs. Then he'd use the sounds he heard as inspiration for Carter Family songs. He's sounds like a rapper using samples to create new art.
9:35pm: So Sara (wife of A.P.) moved to the other side of Clinch Mountain but still recorded music with him in an awkward, tense arrangment. Sounds like they need to go on "1 week to save your marriage." It comes on after this at 10pm on TLC.
9:36pm: Sweet crap, Joan Baez just showed up in this thing!
9:41pm: O.K. get this. The family is down in Mexico on this mega powerful radio station. Sara and A.P. had gotten D.I.V.O.R.C.E
Sara out of nowhere dedicates a song to a lover of hers who was out in California. She sings "Thinking Tonight of my blue eyes. He hears the song as says "I'm going to go get her" So he puts on a diaper and a wig and a trench coat and drives nonstop from California to Texas to marry her.
9:51pm: Sara! They've got video of Sara singing!
9:55pm: O.K. It's over, but I found video of Gillian Welch talking about the Carters and demonstrating the "Carter Scratch"
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Amy Sedaris on Andy Richter - Free Video
Check it out along with every episode of Andy Barker P.I. at:
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Lily Allen's Potty Mouth
The clean way is better.
It has to do with the
Lily Allen interview and acoustic perfomance
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