
Monday, January 31, 2005

Popstars Feets

Got this email inviting me to check out this website. She writes:

"its a pretty simple concept of me meeting indie royalty whilst out and about in london, embarassing myself by asking for a photo of just their shoes and then posting said photo on the site.

ive got chris martin, gordon raphael, tim wheeler, metro riots, long blondes and loads others so far.

im updating it all the time too. its taking a bit of gin to ask all these people all the time. my liver does not like my new site"

It's a pretty clever idea. Lots of Converse as I would expect. Check it out. It's Popstars Feets.

I have this Bob Dylan bootleg from 1960. The sound is so horrible! Distorted and scratchy. Well the original tape has been donated to the Minnesota Historical Society Library.

You can hear some snipets of it at Minnesota Public Radio. In the clips from NPR the sound is amazing! I think my bootleg is sped up since Dylan sounds a little chipmunk-y.

If you remember the Rolling Stone top 500 list, here is the better top 500 songs list.


This Saturday, I and the entirety of the guitar playing William and Mary Law students will be at Sacred Grounds Coffee shop in Williamsburg. 7pm to 9pm. I got 15 minutes to rock it. I think I'm going to do three songs: You Were Never My Friend, Paul Revere's Horse, and Been Swearin'.


Saturday, January 29, 2005

Soldiers. "One, Two, Three, Four! This ain't the damn Marine Corp. We like it here, We love it here. Oooh-Ahh!" Posted by Hello


Thursday, January 27, 2005

My new favorite song:

Rilo Kiley - A Man/Me/ThenJim.mp3 (5 Megs)

I think I will become obsessed with this group. That sounds like an Anise line. I miss her.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Soldier Chant Project

what i'm listening to Right Now: Velvet Underground - Venus in Furs

Command Presence article in Slate

I work on a military base. Here is a picture of the view from my old cubicle. My new cubicle is not that much better, but it's at the end of the building next to the parking lot so I get more sun, plus another neat feature.

My building is an old WWII barracks building next to a mess hall. Every day at lunch time, and as I leave in the late afternoon, the soldiers from the helicopter maintenance school across the street march over to eat. They go right by my window through the parking lot.

For the last few months (since I got a laptop), I've been recording their chants from my car, my office window, etc. I just use GarageBand and the built in mic in my Powerbook. Reading this article is Slate made me want to share this with you. Here is the first chant I recorded way back in November. As you will hear, it is a very impressive sensory experience when upwards of 100 soldiers march by in a perfect step and the sound quite literally surrounds everything and warms your heart. It never stops being unimpressive.

Soldier Chant.mp3 (800K it's pretty small even for dialup folks)


Monday, January 24, 2005

Richie Havens on Johnny Carson

RIP Johnny:

Richie Havens, folk musician. "Handsome Johnny."
I played "Handsome Johnny" in my first of more than a dozen appearances on The Tonight Show ...

The live audience was mostly made up of visiting tourists from the Midwest. I thought they might not like "Handsome Johnny" because it spoke sharply about the war [Vietnam] we were in. To my surprise, the audience understood perfectly what was being said about war in general. They stood and applauded until Johnny Carson went to commercials, and they stood and applauded through the commercial break. They were still applauding just as enthusiastically when we came back on the air. The moment was unmistakably powerful.

Most people watching at home had no idea that the applause never stopped, but Johnny saw firsthand what was happening and spontaneously walked over to where I was standing and invited me back to perform again the next night and to do another song right then and there. Later he told me that the only other performer he ever invited to play on consecutive nights was Barbra Streisand. But she had another concert and could not make it back. (New York, 1968)

From "They Can't Hide Us Anymore," by Richie Havens with Steve Davidowitz (Avon Books, 1999)

Richie Havens - Handsome Johnny.mp3 (4.2 Megs)


More Richie from my archives.


Sunday, January 23, 2005

New Raveonettes and Live Delegate

My buddy Ben turned me on to NPR's All Songs Considered. If you go there, you can hear a new Raveonettes track. I'm looking forward to that release. "Hotly Anticipated" is what the big-shots call it.


I went to Live for the first time last night. Saw the tail-end of Delegate's set. Those boys are tight! Every time I've seen them they impress. I didn't notice it before when I saw them at the Belmont but the harmonies. The guitarist in the knit hat was chiming in at the right time. Their moody sound really worked in that tight, small space of Live (Live got perma-linked over there---> in the Venues section).

Delegate @ Live Posted by Hello

I was checking out Live's site and they mentioned this fella named Benji/Ashley was gonna play his acoustic guitar. I love folk music. He does too, and as a good soldier in the Folk Revolution, I'm gonna try to do it myself Feb. 05 at Sacred Grounds Coffee in Williamsburg. 7-9PM. It's an acoustic open-mike hosted by a musician friend of mine.

Anyway, back to Benji. I really wanted to check him out, but by 12:30 I was getting sleepy (and I still had a 30 minute trip back home) so I split. They kept saying, "Next up is Modern Dance" and they weren't mentioned on the website, so Jaime and I took off. I'm gonna try to catch him at his next show. I liked his myspace.com stuff. You should go listen. Love that Easyrider sample.

It was a good thing I left when I did because when I got back to my car I had a tow authorization sticker and a 35 dollar parking ticket on my 'stang (i.e. my '93 Maroon Mustang). Stoopid Va-Beach! Expecting me to read those no parking signs.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Two Sides of the Same Coin

The woman on the right cried during the speech. They applauded when it was over. (Click to Make Bigger) Posted by Hello


Overly dramatic maybe but at least he's speaking his mind. That sign back there says "Draft Jenna" (Click to Make Bigger). Posted by Hello


We all think we're patriots. We all think we're riding Paul Revere's Horse.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

RIP Spencer Dryden And Grace's Garden

(Shaq The Dog) Posted by Hello

The other night I was up late rubbing Shaq's belly and watching HGTV. This show comes on about gardening and what-the-fudge! That's Grace Slick!! Grace Slick's garden! I love some Grace Slick.

It reminded me that Spencer Dryden, the Jefferson Airplane drummer died. I only found out he had passed from watching This Week with George Stephanopoulos" (which I never miss).

Here's good song by them:

Today.mp3 (2.8 Megs)

And here is the if-i-had-to-pick best song by them. I first heard it from the Woodstock '69 DVD:

Won't You Try/Saturday Afternoon.mp3 (5.9 Megs)


You should def. buy some Jefferson Airplane if you haven't. You can also go to the "Official" JA site and click the "listen" link to hear full versions of some great songs.

There is also a recent Jefferson Airplane DVD that I really want. You can learn about it here and see a quick clip.

live at Sundance

I noticed that Kings of Leon are playing at the Sundance film festival next week. Nellie McKay is playing there too. I wish I could go to that.

Other people are playing throughout the week. Including Saul Williams who you can hear a song from here.

I wonder if BadCo Films is going this year?

Kings of Leon have a new album coming out Feb. 22.


Sunday, January 16, 2005

Dylan at the March on Washington

Dylan was at the March on Washington I've recently found out. You can hear him here: MOW: Medgars Evers Ballad (He starts up at the 11 minute mark if you want to fast forward)

The "I Have a Dream" speech was pretty good huh? Powerful. To think that legal segregation was less than 50 years ago.

Here are the lyrics to the Dylan song.

Odetta was there too. She is actually going to be in DC next Sunday (wellllll, technically she'll be in Vienna) at the Barns of Wolftrap (where I saw Nelly Mckay).

I really, really want to go. I love Odetta. She is amazing.


If you get bored, you should read this guy's great account of owning a Harley XLCH back in the 60's. Love the afro-centric paint scheme with the dual carbs. He mentions a Bob Dylan concert so it kinda fits in with this post.

Killers on SNL

They played Somebody Told Me then Mr. Brightside. Was that hot-pink jacket pleather or the real thing?

PS That Down and Out U.S. Dollar sketch had me a-rolling, as did the brilliant Will Forte's red-faced Hardball rant as Zell Miller. That vein in his forehead was really bulging! Excellent show. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the Killers were going to be on. I meant to mention it to my dear, sweet readers. I also meant to record the show, but I forgot to hit the record button like a dim-bat.

PPS I saw that Topher Quaid movie and I really liked it. Soundtrack of Our Lives was heard more than once as was the Shins and Iron and Wine. And they played this really great song by this guy called Peter Gabriel. It was awesome! It was call Solsbury Hill. It's going to be a big hit if you ask me!


Thursday, January 13, 2005

Reginia Spektor

This has got be one of the best written songs ever:

Reginia Spektor - Daniel Cowman.mp3 (3.4 Megs)

Buy "Songs" now.

Or listen to the entire album by going to this page and clicking "Listen" next to the picture of the "Songs" album.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

New GarageBand Features

Apple - iLife - GarageBand

Version 2 just announced. Multi-track recording, pitch correction, built in tuner, and your keyboard turns into a keyboard.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Salon on Lip-Syncing

Salon.com's misguided take on Ashlee's lip syncing.


Monday, January 10, 2005

Fakin' it

Def. worth a read. Just link everyone back to the VU.


Thursday, January 06, 2005

Ashlee Simpson Booed Video

I finally saw it from www.lipsync.us. They have torrents (Go here to find out how to get torrents) you can use to get it. If you listen at the 20-22 second mark of the 30 second video (from Jan. 05), you can clearly hear someone yell "You Suck!"

It's on ifilm now.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Ashley Simpson Halftime fiasco

I'm gettin' a lot of Google hits for the Ashley Simpson thing. Well, I didn't see it. I tried to watch the video Stereogum.com posted about, but the site is down. From the comments though is this still photo of her leaving the stage.


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Ernesto Stubbs, Jersey City, New Jersey

Productivity has plummeted in the hippest cube in America.

I've been plowing through my archive of VHS tapes recently. I'm looking for the infamous Kevin Nealon Celebrity Impersonator bit with David Duchovny and Gary Shandling. I started googling round and found this A-Mazing David Duchovny site!

The sound is bad, and it's only Duchovny's part but it's worth a look. David Duchovny on Conan.

This site has got all kinds of Duchovny clips. All his talk show stuff, Life With Bonnie, Return to Me, Sex in the City clips, and, best of all, his clips of him flirting with Larry Sanders.


He was also the first guest on the new Late, Late Show last night and they already have the clips up. David on the Late, Late show.


Monday, January 03, 2005

Screw This Cubicle, I'm Movin' to Nashville

Matthew Cox - You Broke My Heart for the Last Time Last Night.mp3 (3.3 Megs)

Feel Free to scroll up and check out my Archives! Thanks for stopping by!

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