
Monday, January 30, 2006

My Picture in the Papers

Well, they published the article on weblogs in the paper. They picked a nice picture and wrote some nice things about this little place I have here. My little place to take a stand.

(I was typing this post as he was snapping away.)

I wore my beard t-shirt, and I told them they should talk about the beard contest. So if you are coming here from the daily press website. Check out whiskerino2005.com. Fun stuff, even if you don't have a beard.

It's up, today only, at www.dailypress.com. But here's a copy/paste on my part of the article:



First there were Web logs, now there are video versions. Local bloggers tell us which are particularly entertaining.

By Lisa Deaderick
Daily Press
January 30, 2006

Photo by Kenneth Silver/Daily Press.

Rock n Roll in the Real World by Matthew Cox

Where on earth: Newport News

And in cyberspace: www.keyofe.blogspot.com

About: Lots of music with some television, movies and funny cartoons tossed in.

Comments: People tell him how much they like his posts and music choices. He's even beginning to get a lot of e-mails from people in promotions about music and videos online that they think he should check out.

Coming to video? He'd love to, though it may not be steady like Rocketboom or The Richard Show. He just doesn't have the Web space to store video yet.

Bookmark factor: Medium to High. What's nice about Matthew is that his blog isn't just an excuse to see how many acerbic one-liners he can come up with. When he really likes something (NBC's "The Office"), he gushes endearingly. When he really doesn't like something ("The Family Stone"), his disdain is quick and to the point.

A little about Matthew

Age: 28

First computer: Tandy 1000

Time to post: Not every day, more like three times a week; posted every day when he has something to say; started out planning to post only once a week

Some favorite blogs: stereogum, pink is the new blog and relativediamond.com


Friday, January 27, 2006

Meet the Shaggs

What is with you people?? Why haven't I heard about this till now? Someone should of told me about the greatest worst band of all time.

It's so bad, but so sweet. Hearing it makes me feel complete. It's like, if this was out there, just think what else you'll learn about...sometime...eventually.

You know it's like those Sonic Drive In commercials that I love. Some don't like them, but they are wrong. Those Sonic commercials are amazingly, simply funny. They're funny, but they work as advertising too. Now, for the first time ever, when I'm in the mood for fast food, I actually think of Sonic. Like when we were dog-sitting again the other weekend and we put the seats up in the Honda Element and picnicked at the Sonic.

Car PicnicCar Picnic

Anywho, the newer ones with the man and woman are even better than the original ones where the two guys talk. The one where the guy (Brian Huskey) is telling his sexy, funny wife (Molly Erdman) how happy he is about this new breakfast sandwich because he finally found "the number one" thing in his life (in his case, the new "breakfast bistro sandwich"). I googled and googled and I couldn't find a clip on the internets.

I did find this article about the Chicago Improv comedians who star in the Sonic commercials.

Then I found this AWESOME parody commercial that these two girls put on youtube.com. Check out this slushy one. They capture the brilliant deadpan of the actual Sonic ads:

Sonic Drive-In Parody Commercial - Brain Freeze

Then watch this one about curly fries:

Sonic Drive-In Parody Commercial - Curly Fries

I think the girl from these parody commercials is from Lynchburg, VA because she says so at her blog that I'm going check out:

Try Sarcasm

There are three other Sonic Parody videos that her and her friend did, and they're all good (check 'em all).


The very funny Molly Erdman:


All that being said, hearing the Shaggs for the first time makes me feel just like Brian Huskey said to sweet, dear Molly Erdman in the Sonic commercials, "It's great to find number one". Not that listening to it is easy, and it's not like I would listen to it very often. It's just knowing it's out there. Sitting there. So baffling. So bad. So sincere. So true.

The Shaggs - Philosophy of the World.mp3

The Shaggs - Who are Parents.mp3

The Shaggs - My Companion.mp3 (you have to listen to this all the way through. It's the last line that sums it all up)

If you want to know the back story to this unbelievable band, try these sites:

The Shaggs, All-Girl Band 1968-1973


(and now if someone could find me a place to watch all the Sonic commercials).


Monday, January 23, 2006

Ask a Ninja

Yep, a Ninja.

It's funny stuff: www.askaninja.com


Friday, January 20, 2006

Wilson Pickett's Best Song

I listened to so much Wilson Pickett in high school. 1994 in my 1986 Ford Aerostar cargo van, rolling past Rancho Cucamonga toward some skateboard contest in Long Beach or Irvine. He will be missed.

Here's his best song:

Wilson Pickett - 99 and a Half (Won't Do).mp3 (3 Megs)


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Julian Casablancas Interview Podcast

From the new Sound Opinions, an interview with the Strokes lead singer Julian Casablancas and a review of the new Strokes album "First Impressions of Earth":

Sound Opinions Podcast - Strokes Interview mp3 file or Stream via Real Player

Also, it's the last 10 days of hearing the entire Strokes album over at Radio-Indie-Pop.com


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Donna's First Album Podcast

So, since I was talking about the Donnas first album the other day, I decided to give you a sampler of four of the best songs from that album. I'll consider this my first "podcast" I guess. Check this out:

Podcast_DonnasFirstAlbum.mp3 (6.7 Megs)


Monday, January 16, 2006

Morningwood Shuffle Test

Capital records is pushing Morningwood on the world. I tried to check them out a bit ago and was unsure about them. Then the album came out and I tried to listen to it. I tapped my foot, but, again I wasn't sure what to think. The styles bounce around. Televisor is cool rock n roll. Nth Degree is nu wavey. New York Girls is catchy. Take of Your Clothes is embarrassing. Body 21 is actually a Ashley Simpson cover I think.

So what I did Saturday morning is pull the ole shuffle test. I logged in to my trusty Rhapsody Player and queued up Patti Smith's Horses, Morningwood, and the Donnas first CD. Remove any of the known weak songs. Then shuffle away.

This type of test is a sure-fire way to tell if a CD sucks or not. It works like this: Of course Horses is awesome. Birdland, Gloria, Kimberly. Great stuff. The Donnas first album is a brilliant work of art that stays in my rotation to this day. I Don't Want to go to School No More, Get Rid of That Girl, I'm Gonna Make Him Mine. (The backup vocals on "Lets Go Mano" cannot be created in any studio by even the best producer. It must simply be captured in the moment. The excitement of this teenage girls rock'n and rollin'. It's so amazing when I hear those screaming back-up vocals "M! A! N-O! LETS! GO! MA-NO!")

So with this line-up in shuffle mode, you find out really quick if Morningwood sucks or not because you'll be pissed off that some crappy song is interrupting the good stuff. So, what of Morningwood? They passed. They change styles for each song ("Easy" sounds like it's trying to be an American Minor southern rock song) but my foot kept tapping so that's good enough for me being that it's winter time here in America.

Here are the two songs off the album. If you like them, buy the record and enjoy.

Morningwood - Televisor.mp3

Morningwood - Everybody Rules.mp3

For you Rhapsody folks, here is the shuffle test playlist:

Donnas Patti Smith face off with new Morningwood


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Death Cab Singer Sargent

I'm reading on and viewing some John Singer Sargent tonight. Check him out here.

Death Cab is on SNL. My hero Will Forte proved his genius once again with his Duluth song. Death Cab has another song coming up and that will make the second Death Cab song I've ever heard. I think they could be BIG!

Next week on SNL is Peter Sarsgaard who is my hero and a half since I "discovered" him just after doing this:

He was so unbelievable in that movie where Lord Vader made up those articles in the New Republic magazine (but I did have to see his...thingy...his naughty dirty place...in that movie about the pervert doctor).

Anywho, that picture is from my fun night in Richmond all those years ago (read about my viewing of Shattered Glass in a great old Richmond Theatre).

Oh and some band called the Storkes or Stroke or something that will be on the show with Sarsgaard too. Good luck to them heh?


Friday, January 13, 2006

Daily Press is Here

The photog is here taking my picture for an article on Weblogs that should appear in the Daily Press newspaper soon.

Lots and lots of pictrures for which they will no doubt use only one. Maybe they'll use the picture of me typing this. Or the one where I'm stroking my beard. We'll see.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Milk - Knife Song.mp3 - Pay it forward!

O.K. Since Jason Lee is on Must See TV i've been getting so many hits for the Milk song.

I've updated the top google search for "Milk knife song mp3"

I've updated the link to the song with a caveat.

Pay it forward people. Find the song here. I'm trusting you people.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Strongly Worded Letter to The Colbert Report

Over at the beard contest, things have really gotten off to a fun start in the New Year.

Yesterday was "Beard Charades". You post a picture and people guess which phrase, movie, etc you are referring too. Can you guess mine? Don't read the comments 'till you've made your guess:

I had a blast trying to guess some of them. I got Davis' correct, but only after a lot of thinking.

Today, wilcoxjd posted his "Strongly Worded Letter to the Colbert Report" taking issue with Colbert's inclusion of "Men with Beards" on Colbert's "Dead To Me" board.

See the video on Comedy Central's "Motherload." (It's the one called "A Glaring Omission".)

here's' the letter wilcoxjd sent:


Mr. Colbert,

Normally, I am "hip" to your subtle brand of news, politics and daily show knock offs. I find your humor irreverent and normally insightful, and WELL DESERVING of your 11:30 pm, cable-network time slot.

however, i was disappointed to see your "Dead to Me" list on the 9.1.06 show. While certain things on the list certainly deserved to be there, your inclusion of "Men With Beards" was disturbing and, well, slightly irresponsible.

As a member of the Whiskerino 2005 community and a long time bearded man, I was hurt by your anti-beardism - are you not aware that with your MASSIVE audience of late night cable TV addicts and stoned out college students, that such inclusion of bearded men on your list is, essentially, you giving carte blanche for people to commit hate crimes against us, your bearded brethren. In a time period of such blatant discrimination against the bearded, your inclusion of us on your list is irresponsible and, well, painful.


I invite you to take some time and come to our bearded community (www.whiskerino2005.com) and find out, first, how much you might like growing a beard, and secondly, just how nice your bearded brethren are.

Hairily Yours,



Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Strokes Reviewed in Slate

From Slate dot com a review of the new Strokes album.

"I want to steal your innocence"
I'm putting myself on an all Strokes diet today. (Except for a few bouts of the Carter Family) I will listen to all three Strokes albums at some time today.

Favorite Strokes songs? Um, there's too many good ones. I Can't Win is way up there. Barely Legal from the EP. Last Nite. 12:51 is great too. Alone, Together. So many.

And I really like Juicebox from this new one. Jaime and I spent our holidays just randomly saying "Standing in the light field, standing in the light field" and then the other one of us would call back "Waiting for some action, waiting for some action."

We're Strokes fans.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Kevins - mp3s

My, and many others, top 10 of 2005 lists were in today's Life section of the Daily Press.

But now I wanted to let you know about this band called "The Kevins". Pretty cool stuff. Interesting. Worst bio ever. Songs have a laid back charm that make me keep listening.

Here's one:

The Kevins - You.mp3

Here's another:

The Kevins - Last First Kiss.mp3


Monday, January 02, 2006

Download entire Strokes album right now

Radio Indie Pop.com has the full Strokes album up right this second!

Go to Radio-indie-pop.com and click "Album of the Month".

Nellie McKay Dropped by Columbia

Nytimes article says the Nellie says that she's been dropped by Columbia (Sony). Holy crap! Is the album coming out? It was supposed to come out today.

Feel Free to scroll up and check out my Archives! Thanks for stopping by!

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