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Friday, August 26, 2005

Warlocks New Album!!!!!!!

What I'm Listening To Right Now: The Strokes - Last Night

Oh, Oh, Ho, Ho. The Warlocks have a new album that came out Tuesday. I loved loved loved the Phoenix album of theirs and now they have a new one.

Def check out the "Music Player" at Warlocks.com. There will be two songs waiting for you there.

1) It's Just Like Surgery - Awesome. Awesom. Aweso. Awes.....AWESOME! Especially the video! Click the video link and watch the video of you have broadband.

2) (some other song) - It's o.k. Not the best one on the album, but def a Warlocks jam.

I like the Warlocks though.


I just got up from typing on my Powerbook to restart "Last Night". What a great song. (It's the 2nd best Strokes single after 12:51 which is A-mazing. "I Can't Win" is best Strokes song overall.)


I wanted to go to that Violent Femmes show at the East Coast Surfing Championships tonight. Alas, my bro-in-law is in town for the Beach Week that I'm leaving for tomorrow; therefore, I didn't go. I bet it was a good show.

Anywho, I was reading Portfolio weekly that I picked up at 99 Main St. restaurant recently. There was an interview with Violent Femmes lead singer Gordon Gano who said, "The Strokes..." when asked about which NYC bands he liked the best. Duh! Those damn Strokes haunt my mind and dreams and every orgasm is strangely filled with Albert's smile.

I can't wait till 23 years from now when the Strokes play the East Coast Surfing championships It'll be great. They'll be in their "reunion tour" but Fabrizo will be replaced due to Drewlove-complications (they'll still be hitched) and Nick won't be the bass player because he'll be touring with his Jazz combo. But Albert will still be there! (Sweet-sweet Albert.)


I got some bad news the other day. Needless to say, God works in mysterious ways and I'll have to play this hand how it lays.

Fuckin' Shit!


I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I don't swear usually. Just when times get tough and emotion takes over.... Drat that Mother Nature. Curse you! It's just that sometimes you think you'll have a critter to call your own...but then you'll find out that you'll have to wait...

I just feel so....disappointed.


Jaime....I Love You.


I'm headed on my week long vacation tomorrow morning (great timing in light of recent events).

Go and listen to the Warlocks Player on the Warlocks.com site. If you like them, buy the album.

Then go and dig out some Strokes and dream.

Listen to "Is This It" and then "Room on Fire" and then Dee aRe Ee Aae eMm about what the new one will sound like.

I hope it's good.

Talk to you soon.


Riding bikes over to 99 Main St. Restaurant: Posted by Picasa

99 Main St. Decaf Latte. Posted by Picasa

Sunset Over Newport News, Virginia. Posted by Picasa

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