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Thursday, August 19, 2004

Body Count

Hey, here is a track from the past. When I was in 9th grade, living in Germany, I had an hour long bus ride to Osterholz American High. The walkmen was a good friend with two hours of bus rides a day.

I wore out They Might Be Giants - Flood, Ice Cube - Death Certificate, Nirvana - Nevermind, and I even had the original cassette of Body Count's debut album. And I wore them out! No words left on 'em, you know what I mean?

So my closet still has the three or four boxes of cassettes I lugged around from to town to town in my teenage years. Tonight, I'm listening to my Rhapsody:listen.com player and I have almost every one of those songs at my fingertips. Just how amazing is this technology? It didn't hit me till yesterday when I decide to hear Body Count 10 years after.

Here it is. This is what it sounded it like then. It makes me feel weird to listen to it. I'm not ready to remember the awkwardness of youth.

Body Count - Body Count.mp3

Oh, and Body Count will be at the Knitting Factory - New York City Aug. 21, if you're up that way.

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