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Thursday, July 29, 2004

Tell Me What You See

The Von Bondies Photo Blog is fun.

I missed the Hives on Letterman, but I see they are supposed to be on Leno Monday.

I got the Hives new album and I like it. I also bought Nico's "Chelsea Girls" which I've now bought twice. Once on Napster, and now in a hardcopy. I love it SO MUCH!!

I haven't posted in a while because I was waiting to get my "I'm a Manatee" t-shirt from Jim Gaffigan (I couldn't write about it, 'cause it was a present for Jaime and she reads this site, and then I would of given away the surprise).

But I was really excited to tell you to go to his site and watch the clip of his act, so you would know what the shirt means. But his bandwidth is exceeded. So, we'll have to wait till next month. Bookmark http://www.jimgaffigan.com/ and hit up next week for some funny.

The T-Shirts he has are the coolest, hipest t-shirts I've ever seen (there are more in the Jim Gaffigan store). And, when you buy any one of the three Manatee ones, he donates some of the dough to Adopt-a-Manatee.

"I have a layer of blubber to keep me warm in the ocean!"
UPDATE:  Jim's site is back up. Go get the Manatee clip and more. I found a copy of the Manatee clip from Dr. Katz in my cache on my hard drive.  It's only 360 kb so you Dial-Uppers can get it just as easy as everyone else.

Jim Gaffigan on Dr. Katz - Manatee.asf (360kb)

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