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Saturday, June 05, 2004


Thank you all for the well-wishes. The brother-in-law is home resting in his living room (i'm on his computer), The sister-in-law is at Grandma's in Elmhurst (I'm in the Chicago Suburbs, and the surgery was in NorthWestern Hospital in Downtown Chicago: hence, the "Apple Store" reference in the comments of the last post).

David Sedaris is in town reading from his new collection, "Dress Your Family in corduroy And Denim." I tried to go see him yesterday at Unabridged Bookshop on Broadway, but two hours later, we still weren't inside the door yet, and we had to get back to the hospital. He is in Oak Park ("This is Brad, Sarah and Darryl and we're in trouble....Ain't no doubt!") tonight, but I couldn't get over there. Oh well. I already have the book and it's a good one, as always. Of course, I had read a bunch of the essays before when they appeared in magazines and such.

I stumbled around the 'net and Soviet Panda has another Killers song. Since that seems to be the theme around here lately, go get it afore it's too late.

Thanks again for all the love!!!

PS. That Apple Store was awesome, and now I want a mac REALLY bad! I sat in on the "Garage Band" workshop. That thing is really neato. Editing the MIDI was amazing. Does Cool-Edit or ACID do that? I need to find out.

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