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Sunday, May 23, 2004

"No Farting Zone"

what i'm listening to Right Now: Richie Havens - Handsome Johnny

Saturday was one of those days that get looked back upon fondly. Here's a preview:

The WORST thunderstorm I've ever lived through woke me up 'round 2 am. Alarm did the same at 7, just in time for the 5k up in Williamsburg. Jaime's in training for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in September so there I am to support her...but I forgot my running shoes. So, being a resourceful gent, decided to race walk it. I didn't win anything except shin splints (walking three miles really really fast is really really hard).

My brother and his young wife were down this weekend and we surprised them with a baby shower. Luckily Michelle was pregnant so it worked out nice. But that was Friday, and I'm telling you about Saturday so after the race we had a nice lunch and then went kayaking at Newport News Park. See, the pic up there. My back is killing me.

This being a rnr blog, I'll move it along. Saturday was the Von Bondies show and it was a pretty sweet little show. Remember, I had soured on the Von Bondies after the lies of the "free digital sampler" but they were great live. The "Pawn Shoppe Heart" songs sound better live than on disk. More raw. Flizzum was there and was singing "Ben Swank" LOUD!! All the hipster's were just kinda bobbing their heads a little like hipsters do, but Flizzum was all over the place.

For the record, I sang loudest on "Nite Train" which is my favorite song.

Marcie, my sweet, was the second coolest of them. Jason was boring and didn't move or talk or anything. Carrie was Entwistlesque, but Marcie was cool. She said she couldn't stop laughing because somebody put a "No Farting Zone" on her monitor. Then later, she started flirting with the boys in the audience and demanding that she see more dancing. She was great.

Don the drummer is the COOLEST though. His drum set was so minimal, but it was amazing what he was doing with that drum kit. He had the floor tom, a big ole kick drum, a snare and one ride cymbal. He was into every song, banging and flailing away and making the greatest noise. Looked just like Animal from the "Electric mayhem." And he had this fan on him that was blowing his hair all cool between songs.

The show was over too quick, but as we were leaving we were told the Bondies would be going to Hell's Kitchen Bar on Granby street for the afterparty. We decided to go to Relative Theory record shop so I could turn in my ticket for the poster contest. They were having an in-store right then at 11pm. Awesome place! I gotta get down check them out more often.

It was too late, our feet hurt too bad, and I was too broke to check out "Hell's Kitchen" but as we were walking back past the Norva, we saw the band loading up in a black Cadillac Escalade.

Sweaty cool night. That's Me, Jaime, and Flizzum up there just before we split up, Jaime and I were headed home, but Flizzum never sleeps so he was off to stir up some trouble. Still haven't heard from him.

Here is a cover track Don the drummer sings called R&R Nurse. I'll leave this up for a just a little bit. They are for preview purposes only, delete 'em after two days, and if you like them you can buy the same album I bought to get them. It's called "Raw and Rare."

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