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Monday, May 10, 2004

I Wish I Was Woman

I want to tell you about the new song I posted down in my "I'll Sing a Song for You" area over there ->

"I Wish I Was a Woman" is my response to Nellie McKay's "It's a Pose." I first discovered her music last summer before she was signed up to Sony because I was looking for something to do after the Siren Fest. I went down Jinners list of NYC clubs (that I don't think she has up anymore). I wanted to find something different than the indie rock stuff I would have been listening to all day at Siren Fest. The Fez website said this Nellie plays the piano and sings these quirky songs. I never heard of her and the only music I could find by her was from a Public radio interview she did with Rita Wilson on wfuv.org.

Well, I later picked up her 12 track demo and listened to it a lot, and gave it to Lisa to listen to. So I had heard "It's a Pose" a bunch of times as I listened to the demo cd. And since I was doing these open mic's, and since I can't sing super-duper great, and I can't play the guitar super-duper great, I figured the only thing I have is original words, so I was trying to write my own songs.

This was conceived as a piano song. The greatest thing in the world is my acapella version I sang so I could remember the melody I had in mind (but too embarrassing to post). But I couldn't play it that way on guitar (and I have some work to do on my piano skills) so I arranged it like this. Part of me thinks I should hammer the point home more, instead of just that last little bit.

What do you think about it?

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