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Friday, November 21, 2003

Let Them Eat Lead hates me

what i'm listening to Right Now: The Velvet Underground, White Light/White Heat - Sister Ray

Well if you get the chance, pop on over and read this article.

It's not very flattering to me. But I don't blame the guy for his invective tone. No, I don't blame him because he COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTOOD what I was saying!!

He seems to think that I was attacking him personally and I WAS NOT DOING that!! I love "Let Them Eat Lead" and I read every one when they come out and I encourage you to do the same.

Read my original post of August 21, 2003. It's in the archives. I'm not as mean as he made me sound. I was just trying to say that the Yeah Yeah Yeah's album is good. He says it's not. I'm just not as articulate a writer as Max is so it's harder to make my opinions as clear. So he took it the wrong way.

He has different experiences than I do to base his opinions on. I enjoy the YYY's album because it's good. I've never seen them live so I base my opinion on my, as he said, "ignorance."

My Weblog is just that, a weblog (not a magazine). My little place to take stand and offer up my opinion (usually my gut, in-the-moment opinions) of what I'm digging in rock n roll.

I write of driving 5 hours to Baltimore to see Regina Spektor and the Strokes show. It cost me 150 bucks for food, gas, and tickets. I got back home at 3:30 am. Got just a couple hours sleep and went to work unshaven. I've written about many adventures like that. The Kimya Dawson/Tractenburg show in Charllotesville (2.5 hours one way on a work night), Mooney Suzuki/Longwave/Raveonettes in DC (3 hours one way on a work night), Siren festival (8 hours on a Greyhound one way). Someone remind Max that I did that. I made those time, money, and sleep sacrifices to gain the experiences he claims I lack.

So, yeah, go read the article if you want. He just thought I was insulting him, when I wasn't. Blame my poor writing skills I guess.

Here are the rest of the "Let Them Eat Lead" Archives which has some great articles. The new issue should be out soon. I'll be reading it as always.

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