Thursday, June 26, 2003
Guess What I Just Found Out!!! The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are going to be on Letterman TONIGHT!!! June 26th!! I can't wait!! I've never seen them anywhere before except still pictures!! I'm so excited!! This is exciting to me!! To be a fan of the music, and to finally see them live, I hope they don't disappoint. You know how the album will sound one way, and then you see them live and they sound NOTHING like the album. I hope that doesn't happen. I'll review it the performance and post it here. Plus I'm stealing Nick the guitar player's hair style (here, and here). Only I'm adding Mutton Chops to it (like Jason Lee's in Video Days. Ps. Go and Buy this CD. I did and I couldn't be happier).
Also, India.Arie is coming to the Hampton Jazz festival this Saturday! I would LOVE to see her live. But I can't because I'm performing at the Open Mike at the Harbor Espresso Cafe and I told everyone I know that I'm going to be there. So, dear readers, this Saturday, either come see me at the Harbor Espresso, or go see India.Aire at the Jazz Festival.
Also, India.Arie is coming to the Hampton Jazz festival this Saturday! I would LOVE to see her live. But I can't because I'm performing at the Open Mike at the Harbor Espresso Cafe and I told everyone I know that I'm going to be there. So, dear readers, this Saturday, either come see me at the Harbor Espresso, or go see India.Aire at the Jazz Festival.
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